Brand Guide: Danica Jubilee
For the young soul, the free spirit, the animal lover, or the one who simply appreciates a good laugh, Danica Jubilee is the perfect companion.
This joyful collection is a celebration of the simple things that bring color, vibrancy, and inspiration to our lives. From designs and motifs that celebrate watching your garden grow, touring your town by bike, to encouraging messages, Danica Jubilee reminds us that we all have the power to cultivate kindness in our community and to make our world a better place. An eclectic collection that connects us all with heartfelt gift ideas and items for our homes—let Danica Jubilee be the reason you smile today!

Vibrant gifts and goods that cultivate kindness and spark joy.
Vibrant gifts and goods that cultivate kindness and spark joy.

Brand Guidelines
Minimum application size: 0.5" wide.
Full Colour Logo
The full colour Danica Jubilee logo is used for Jubilee Kids only. Minimum application size: 0.5" wide.
Logo Variations
The 'j' brand mark can be used for secondary applications, where the full logo is already used elsewhere. It does not yet have the brand recognition to stand on its own.
The horizontal Danica Jubilee logo is used only when graphic restrictions prevents the full logo.
Houschka Rounded: Display
Set in all lower case for display type.
Tracking: 10-20For smaller font size spplications, set in all uppercase to help with legibility.
Tracking: 70-90Lust: Accent
Use for numbers in badges and other small accents.
Tracking: 10-20Avenir: Body Copy
Set in oblique weights.Source Sans: Web Safe
Set in oblique weights. Fall-back fonts: Helvetica neue > Helvetica > Arial
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